Τετάρτη 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2010

The Toothbrush Effect

Every now and then, some single youngster (or not) decides to move to his own house and enjoy single life, without parental presence around him. He builds a new nest, a love nest, ready to offer him the pleasures of freedom and the countless possibilities of anytime sex with any girl that is attracted to him.
One of those girls in our case looks and behaves somewhat better or different than all the previous ones. So, naturally, the guy wants to enjoy more time with her and invites her more often to his love nest, for some drinks, for dinner, for a dvd night, for a full sex night, all of the above. It makes sense that the girl will occasionally spend the night there. So far , so good.
Then, the Toothbrush arrives. A major trick in the smallest package. She decides to bring a toothbrush there and leave it in the guy's bathrooom, just in case the guy wanted her to spend one more night there. That's it. That is the end. Not the beginning of it, it is the actual end.
After that, the poor ignorant naive male that allows that to happen, loses all kind of personal freedom and ownership of his nice condo. He becomes chained without even knowing. Hell, he might as well give her the key. No big difference.The key is at least a more straight forward approach, something a man would ask from a woman. On the contrary, a woman's way of thinking, trained to perfection through million times of child play and teen or adult female discussion cannot allow her to step into the risky, full of traps ground of a direct approach. No way, why carry a gun to the airport (ask for a key to the house) when you can hijack the Airbus with a treacherous little undetectable weapon?
Of course, this isn't such a bad thing if you wanna let your plane get hi-jacked. Single life as a man is great, especially when money is not a big issue. Married life and kids on the other hand can provide numerous moments of joy and happiness.
The thing is that this is totally a man's call. When he is ready for that, he should know.
Don't let the Toothbrush take that decision for you.

1 σχόλιο:

  1. well we as fully grown and developed male thank prof phantom for his insightful article about toothbrush behavioral patterns. After reading this article I totally declare war on toothbrushes. just do not, i repeat, do not tell that to my girlfriend.
